Some of you may be surprised to discover that in Graham’s 74-year history, cheese wasn’t on our horizon and we only started to explore it a couple of years ago. It featured more as an ingredient in our farmhouse lunches than during family boardroom discussions!
But as our Graham’s branded products became more and more popular, it was those of you buying our milk, butter, cream and ice-cream that started to tell us how much you would like to see cheese from Graham’s, given it is such an essential part of many families grocery shop.
So we have swotted up and tasted a lot of cheese in that time … but thankfully we didn’t experience any nightmares!
We are very proud of the range of Scottish cheddar cheeses that have been created and hope that our customers will enjoy snacking on them and cooking with them. If you haven’t already had a look then please check out our cheese scone recipe. They tasted great … or should that be grate!?!