If Graham’s tasty low fat yogurts have been a lunchbox staple for your family since our new range was introduced across Scotland this summer, you’ll be pleased to know three of our flavours are now available in 31 Sainsbury’s supermarkets across the country. The yogurts come in six delicious flavours: Raspberry, Strawberry, Summer Fruits, Peach, Toffee and Natural, and you can now get your hands on the first three of these at a Sainsbury’s near you. Our 150g pots are the perfect size for a packed lunch!
We produce our new yogurt range at our dairy facility in Nairn, which has allowed us to expand our range of scrumptious Scottish dairy products. Many people are surprised to hear that the best-selling yogurts in Scotland are French and English, so we wanted to introduce some great tasting, locally produced yogurt for everyone to enjoy.
We’ve had great feedback on the yogurts so far and we’d love to know what you think, so please get in touch and let us know what your favourite flavour is.