Some of the more scientifically-minded amongst you will know quark as (deep breath) a type of elementary particle that acts as a fundamental constituent of matter. If that all sounds a bit too complicated for this early in the year, don’t worry. Round our neck of the woods (and in all major supermarkets) it’s the soft, spreadable, mixable, deliciously versatile ‘cooking’ cheese. It’s a great thing to have in the fridge at this time of year – not only because of these attributes but mainly because it’s so healthy too. What makes quark so good for us and what are the benefits you ask? Well, read on to find out more.
Low in fat, high in vitamins
While quark can in some cases contain up to 40% fat, it’s normally naturally fat free. Like both our Natural and Vanilla flavours for example. As we all know, low fat foods are great for keeping our health in check – a diet that features too much ‘bad fat’ is likely to result in a rise in cholesterol and therefore an increased risk of heart disease. Like most dairy products quark is high in calcium, the substance that helps keep our teeth and bone healthy. Not only that but it also packs in a good amount of vitamin A (great for eyesight) and vitamin B which helps support our nervous systems.
High in protein
Protein is the stuff we use to build muscle. Everyone needs it, from bodybuilders to power-walkers and even folk who aren’t that active. It’s the reason foods like chicken and Greek yoghurt are so popular with fitness fanatics – quark however trumps Greek yoghurt in this sense, with about 12g of protein per 100g (almost double that of your average Greek yoghurt). So if you’re a regular at the gym, make sure you’ve got some quark to come home to after that workout!
It’s gut friendly
Traditionally used in Germany and Eastern Europe to treat digestive and allergenic health conditions, Quark is great for improving what’s commonly known as your ‘gut health’. Full of mesophillic bacteria (don’t worry, it’s the good kind of bacteria), quark can help you maintain a healthy happy digestive environment that’ll in turn mean that you’re able to absorb all the good stuff that passes through and generally keep you healthy!
It might seem pretty unassuming but there are so many benefits to making room in your fridge (and diet) for quark. If you’re not sure how to incorporate it into your diet, why not check out our recipepage for some ideas – it works fantastically in everything from creamy pasta sauces to perfect pavlovas. What a lifesaver when you’re looking to work one or two healthier habits into your life for 2019!