Our advert is asking – What makes Graham’s taste so great? – and will make its first appearance during the commerical break of STV’S Coronation Street. This will feature on screen until the end of August so be sure to look out for it and let us know what you think.
Filmed at our family farm in Boquhan in Stirlingshire, all the members of the Graham family have a starring role including our beautiful Jersey Golden Girls. Viewers can then go to a dedicated section of our website to vote for why they think Graham’s tastes so great – whether it is our luscious grass, much loved cows or strong family heritage. The campaign also features on our milk packaging which you will hopefully notice over the next few days.
Founded in 1939, we are very proud of how far our family business has grown in the last seven decades. From our grandfather delivering milk to the local Bridge of Allan village using a simple horse and cart, to supplying all the major retailers across the country with our award winning milks, butters, creams, ice creams and most recently our new Scottish cheddar cheese.
This has been a very exciting development for the Graham family, created with your family in mind.