We are delighted to reveal our plans for a new dairy, research and training facility in Stirling.
These plans respond to the huge potential that exists in Scotland to produce and market premium Scottish dairy products in 2015, the Year of Food and Drink.
The plans are for a bespoke, modern dairy processing, research and training facility, that will provide:
- Production lines for milk, cream, cheese, cream and spreadables
- Future proofing for new product launches and food tourism
- Laboratory
- Training facility
- Research and development
- Offices and administration
- Storage & distribution
- Combined heat and power (biogas) renewables system
- Effluent treatment plant
- Plastic blow moulding plant
Once built, the existing dairy at Airthrey Kerse will concentrate on butter and ice-cream and will remain the Graham’s family home.

Annual GVA: | £36m |
Full time employees: | 400 |
New full time employees: | 450 |
Apprenticeships: (Training link with Forth Valley College) |
50 |
Capital expenditure: | £20m |
Facility size: | 150,000ft2 |
Aerial view of the new dairy site Hill of Drip Stirling.
Video of Aerial view of the new dairy site Hill of Drip Stirling.